Our Activity

“Another World Is Possible…”

What are we doing?

We get together with our volunteers on distribution days, prepare our soup, and deliver it to the homeless and families in need. In this way, we use soup as a tool and communicate with these people.

How Do We Organize?

We meet at our association build on distribution days and ensure that the soup reaches our homeless friends and other needy people as all volunteers during the production and distribution stages of the soup.

How can I join?

There is no membership requirement to participate in these events. Anyone who wants can follow us on social media and join us voluntarily on our distribution days.

Schedule of distribute?

Our deliveries are made on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Soup making starts at 16:00, and soup distribution starts at 18:40. You can follow our current announcements on social media.

How Can I Contribute?


For Our Current Distribution Announcements

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